Monday 27 August 2012

Mean Stinks.

Recently, while watching Pretty Little Liars (on much music online),  I viewed this video that really struck home with me. I can't find it on youtube yet but regardless yall should visit the facebook page:

There's tons of things to do on this page including reading peoples confessionals on how they will stand up to bullying and also cute little quizzes like the one in the picture above.
Here is the link to the quiz:

Also here is my results LOL

When I was in Elementary school I was bullied for a long time. Girls would say the nastiest things about me and would run away from me. It was just the worst. I remember spending many nights crying over how mean they would be to me.
 So I guess you can understand why I'm so passionate about this campaign. 
Yes I was really different, I was always obsessed with performing and I had a hard time relating to other kids because I never really cared about who the hottest guy was at that time. What mattered to me was winning first place at my dance competitions haha. I didn't have a normal childhood because I was always focused on my goals and dreams. 

This one girl, whom I won't mention for privacy reasons, really changed my life. She became my best friend and accepted me for who I was and till this day I will always see her as an angel who rescued me; the girl who showed me that girls can be loving and kindhearted to people whom are different. 

Of course she moved away a year later and life became terrible again, but still, she gave me hope that I would one day find a friend like her again. 
If you are reading this, I want you to know that I am so thankful for you. You saved me during those years and I will forever be grateful for your friendship. 

Alright sappy bit over haha
Today I got a little creative and decided to make this advertisement to put all over twitter, facebook and the net. 

I'm tired of hearing the evil that some girls say. Every girl is guilty of talking behind someones back so just forgive yourself and make an oath to stop now. Do the right thing and stop listening to the crap. Stop letting your opinions of people be based on what other people say. Stop encouraging rumors. Stop being mean.

You never know what someone is dealing with. 
Be nice behind someone's back for a change. 

Take a stand against bullying and join me in painting your pinky blue to show your commitment. 

Mean stinks. 



  1. This is such a wonderful message. Thank you so much for posting it on your blog!

  2. Oh your very welcome I'm so glad you liked it! :) xo
