Sunday 9 September 2012

Cooking to Beautify Yourself!

Due to my frustration with acne and always feeling sick, I have decided to change my diet.

To quote a friend, "Lets be honest, celebs have the best skin because they can afford the best kinds of meals. They also have the best chefs that have time to make them the best meals which therefore helps to making them happy and having a healthy body. " WRONG. (haha)

That statement is sooooo far from being true. We CAN take control of our bodies and if we really badly want to be healthy, then we will make time to prepare these really healthy meals. Yes sometimes the crappy food is cheaper, well it's really a matter of asking yourself, "Do I want terrible skin? or do I want to glow?- Not to mention feel amazing because my bod will love the healthy meals."
I like to call that a stupid (obvious) question.

Cut back on expensive fast food
Spend 5 bucks on a Starbucks drink or spend 5 bucks on organic fruit? Everything is a choice and you can choose healthy skin by just cutting back on expensive drinks like Starbucks for example.
If your Canadian, you should know that Tim Hortons is a quarter of the price. Making coffee at home is probably a sixth of the price of a Starbucks drink.

I recently bought Elizabeth Hasselbecks book that contains Gluten-free recipes, so in addition to now posting reviews on recipes that will help clear up that acne, I will also be reviewing Elizabeths charming "Deliciously G-Free" recipe book for all you Gluten intolerant folks out there who need some new recipes for your diet.

Oh that's another thing, I'm tired of always complaining that I feel sick so from now on, I am going to be GLUTEN FREE. Holla.

Stay tuned for many yummy recipe reviews!!



  1. Mel,

    I think it's awesome that your starting this up. I've recently been obsessed with looking for healthy recipes on the net.

    Why are you getting rid of gluten though? I did UltraMind in 2010 and found out that dairy was what was making me sick. (I would not be a happy camper if I found out that I'm not supposed to have gluten.) Gluten may be your friend. lol

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice meeting you this evening Melissa. To support your new healthy living lifestyle, you should check out the blogs of Dr. John Briffa (UK), Dr. Mark Hyman (USA) and watch the movie Food Matters. These 3 will give you lots of food for thought!

    Good luck and I look forward to your healthy choice blogs!

    1. Dr. Mark Hyman is brilliant! He's the one who made the UltraMind program I was talking about.

  4. haha yes we have a discussion going on here!! Awesome thank you Linda I will definitely check his blog out and the movie! Someone recommended the movie to me a while ago but I forgot what it was called so thank you for reminding me!! Oh and you were so right about replacing gluten with sugar. I looked at the back of my pasta bag and it said 43grams!!! :(

    Thank you Arielle doll! Ya I've become obsessed with eating healthy lately and cooking as well. Only just months ago I would be lounging around the house complaining that theres no food haha. Well there wasn't anything healthy but it was more that I didn't want to cook! Sweet I'm totally going to try a recipe out tonight and maybe post something later!

    Oh and I already know I'm lactose and egg intolerant sadly but I still feel the pain so I think it must be something else so this gluten free week has been a sort of experiment for me. :)

