Sunday 7 October 2012

So you want to be a coach...

If you know me well, then you will know that I am always looking for ways to improve myself. This week, I have been doing a lot of thinking and I think the one issue I'm dealing with right now is learning how to be a leader.If I'm going to start own my own business one day, then I have got to learn how to coach a team of different kinds of people. 

So I decided to do a little digging, and even reflect on my past, to try and find the real qualities of what it takes to manage a crowd. 

The first thing I realized is, to be a good coach you must be a leader. 

"To be a good leader, you must lead by example" - Ray Young. 

Ray was a previous leader of mine who ran a financial services business. This guy could really get a crowd going and everyday would out-work everyone in the company, while helping others out and offering advice. He would have to deal with all types of people on a daily basis and do it gracefully. Everyone I knew at the time was always so inspired by him and everyone wanted to be him. He is what I think a true leader is.

So how do you become a good leader? 

My current employers say that it takes three things: patience, good listening skills, and passion. 

When your passionate about something, then you will work hard. Passion and determination are the two key qualities that a lot of people lack in their jobs. A lot of people choose their jobs based on convenience these days and not based on what they really want and so it is hard to work really hard if you don't love what you are doing.   These qualities are what makes people look up to leaders and no one will look up to you if they aren't inspired by you. 

Every coach has got to have good listening skills as they will have to deal with many different problems daily. How many people do you know that have multiple personalities these days? I can name five right off the bat haha. My point is, a good coach will know how to respond to any kind of individual. They will have trained their ears to listen to what the real problem is beneath the fluff and will be able to solve each problem with grace. 

Finally, patience is key, especially when teaching an employee something new. Everyone learns at their own pace, some slower then others, but it is important to respect how they learn and have patience with them. People have a hard time looking up to managers that don't give them the time they need or judge them if they aren't quick enough. 

So I guess that is what I need to do; work on these three qualities. I'm already passionate about what I do but i definitely have a hard time dealing with people sometimes when they just don't seem to have a good enough argument. I will definitely have to work on my listening skills and patience if I want to really command the attention of a crowd. Sure there are leaders who are passionate and determined and people still look up to them. But the ones that really make a difference are the ones that take the time to care. 

Heres some great leaders of the past. Reflecting on my notes, I definitely think they all have those traits in common. 

Martin luther king jr
 Mother Teresa
 Che Guevara
 Nelson Mandela

All of these people have led millions of people and coached them in some way. I know they aren't retail managers but these qualities can be applied in any circumstance haha. 

I would really love your feedback on this topic. What do you guys think it takes to be a good coach? 

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