Friday 13 December 2013

12 Gestures of Love!

Who ever said that Christmas was only about tangible gifts? Why not make this Christmas season special for someone by doing some cool things to show them that they are loved. 

Last night, I was sitting on my bed meditating (haha) and I had a brilliant thought. I thought to myself, "What would I really want for Christmas?". Then I realized that presents have never been a huge deal to me more than gestures of love. So after hearing the annoying Christmas jingle, "The 12 days of Christmas", I became inspired to come up with 12 days worth of intangible/tangible things for someone I love. My thought was, If this is something that would make me feel loved, than it would surely make someone else feel loved as well. 
The holidays can be really stressful for some people, so let's bring joy to someone's life during this holiday season!!

Here are 12 different gestures of love for your special someone:
Day 1) Who doesn't love to receive a love letter? Send your lover/friend a cute christmas card telling them how much you appreciate them and how much you love them.

Day 2) Research an activity you could do together (that you both love) and plan a romantic outing for just the two of you. If the person you have chosen is a friend, pick something that you two have bonded over, such as ice skating or bowling! 

Day 3) Make your friend/lover a christmas ornament! You could always buy one if you don't have much time, but by putting in a bit of small effort, there is no way they wont appreciate it! If this is for a lover, you could also buy some mistletoe and plant them underneath it without them knowing. How romantic would that be?

Day 4)
 Bake them something sweet. Who doesn't like a good christmas cookie? You could also put together a nice basket of chocolates that you know they will like. The point is to show them that you made the effort. A little effort goes a long way. 

Day 5) For a lover: Plan a cozy night in filled with candles and good food. 
For a friend: Treat them to a movie or treat them to a holiday drink at your favourite hangout place. 

Day 6) Decorate a cute picture of you two together and post it on facebook! is a great site where you can find great tools to make the picture look special! Also by posting it on facebook and writing a loving caption underneath it, there is no way your lover/friend won't feel extreme appreciation and happiness from it!

Day 7) Surprise them one night with a cup of hot chocolate! haha I've always wanted someone to just show up at my door and surprise me, so I'm definitely doing that for someone this year. And who doesn't like hot chocolate? A friend or lover would definitely appreciate the gesture! 

Day 8) Find something fun and free to do together that's festive; whether it's going carolling together or building a snowman. Either one would lead you to a fun bonding adventure and only love could come from carolling!!! Also the people on your block will probably appreciate it as well, as carolling totally brings back the christmas spirit. 

Day 9) Take your friend/lover on a christmas date where you visit your cities best christmas tree. When you are there, give them a list of all the things you appreciate about them. Your friend may think you are being weirdly romantic but if you have best friends like I do, they will probably love it and cry (haha). 

Day 10) Throw a Christmas themed party for your lover/friend filled with christmas music, all the best christmas movies and a beautiful turkey dinner. Ok I'm sure turkey might be hard to cook for just two haha so in that case, you could order a christmas themed pizza! But if you decide to make this into a grand dinner, maybe invite their family and a couple of other friends. You could decorate the table with little messages on each persons plate telling them why you love them. Then you would not only be sending them love, but you would also be sending everyone else love. 

Day 11) Find a local christmas event that the two of you could go to! Such as a christmas play or church event. If there is nothing like that happening in your area, maybe plan a day in decorating a gingerbread house or you could go christmas shopping together. The point is to show them that you care and want to hang with them! 

Day 12) Lets play secret santa and drop off a small gift at their house. If they live far away, maybe hide a small gift in their house when you are there, and tell them on this day where they can find it. Make sure you pick a good hiding spot so they won't find it before that day. The fun will be in the hunt and this will surely make them smile. 
Gift ideas: For a friend you could do a friendship bracelet. For a lover you could give her/him a ring or even a cd/tape of you telling her/him how much you love them.

Disclosure: Extreme happiness and love may come as a result of these gifts. Be prepared to feel joy.

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