Sunday 22 November 2015

Buyer Beware: Ingredients may give you Acne!!!!

Around this time every year, we begin to see a shift in the behavior of our skin. Most of us that live in a climate that gets cold in the winter, have to suffer with the annoying breakouts that dry skin tends to bring.

I want to blame my recent breakout on the weather, but after doing some research, I have discovered that it is the blame of some recent products that I have been using.

I've decided not to mention the name of this particular company because it defeats the purpose of what I'm going to discuss with you today. This blog is about making you aware of the ingredients inside your face products that may be causing you to break out, become oily or suffer from severe dry skin.

Everyone has a different skin type and that is why everyone reacts differently to different chemicals. I have a combination skin type; my cheeks are dry but my t-zone is oily. But even with saying that, I'm sure there are other small factors within this skin type category that would separate many people into many other smaller skin type groups within the combination group. 
My point is, we all need to experiment with different products and never take anyone's recommendation too seriously because we are all different. With that being said, we should all be informed of what we are putting on our faces and we should look into what ingredients may be bad for us and what may be good.

Recently I started breaking out like crazy. My monthly dot had come and gone, so I couldn't blame her for once. I decided to go to Sephora to see if I could get a recommendation for a spot treatment. One of the makeup artists began speaking to me and I quickly realized that this girl really understood skin. She told me that just by looking at me, she could tell that I'm probably using a product in my face cleaning routine that contains alcohol. She explained to me that alcohol is very drying and when our skin becomes dry, it starts to produce excess oil. Our skin will then be very oily, which is the perfect playground for pimples to play in.

When I got home, I checked my new products and sure enough, they all contained alcohol! This discovery inspired me to do more research on ingredients that may be the cause to my present and past breakouts. I found this amazing website that gives you a list of ingredients that are known to clog pores and contribute to creating pimple problem areas. Here is the site link and I highly encourage you to check it out:

I was so excited after finding that link that I started going through all the new products that I had been trying since my skin was in a 'pimple-free' state. I found more products that contain specific chemicals that just don't work with me. Of course, I already had a hunch about these two products, but this additional research gave me the confidence to ban them from my face routine forever.

If you are going through a difficult time with your skin, I encourage you to do your homework about what you are putting on your face. Do your research and look into what does and doesn't work for you. You never know, you may discover some valuable information that helps clear up your skin.

There are obviously other factors that affect your skin: what you put into your body, weather, stress etc. But if you can inform yourself and become confident about the products you are using, then at least that is one less stress for you to worry about. 

xoxo Melissa

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