Tuesday 1 December 2015

I SKIPPED Black Friday!!!

How could someone, who is so obsessed with beauty and fashion, skip out on Black Friday Sales?
Honestly, I'm still confused myself.

I had every intention of shopping all day and all night last weekend. But after going to many sites, and a few stores, I realized that I just didn't want anything enough.

I never thought I was a cheapskate but ladies and gents...My name is Melissa, I'm 25, and I am a CHEAPSKATE!

Why hasn't this dawned on me before?
How could someone who is clearly a shopaholic, be a cheapskate as well?

Perhaps I'm not the crazy materialistic person I always thought I was (haha).
When I think about it...I'm not your typical "I only wear something once," type of shopaholic. I'm more the, "I will wear you 40 times before I throw you out" type girl. I just have a very creative mind and I like to create new outfits with old things until I have warn that piece of clothing enough times that I'm sick of it.

Gosh I sound so thrifty right now. I feel like Becky Bloomwood in the book, 'Shopaholic & Sister'.

YOU KNOW WHAT...I'm proud of me.
My self control is top notch and it's probably for the best that I missed out on those crazy shoppers...although, it would of definitely made for some great laughs.

I hope you guys all had a great Black Friday experience! I've noticed some sites are still showcasing their sales so I would definitely get on it if you haven't!

Ta Ta for now,

Melissa xo