Saturday 27 February 2016

Why everyone needs a Calvin Klein Sportsbra | Plus other pre-oscar goodies.

There's nothing like the Oscars to snap you into dream mode. At this time of year most people have already forgotten their new years resolutions...but the Oscars has a way of snapping us back into focusing on our dreams. 
Speaking of which, if you've been keeping up with my snapchat or instagram, I have been actively working towards bettering my life (yes the excitement of the Oscars and the idea that dreams will be coming true, has definitely helped motivate me) . I've been pretty consistent for a year now, but recently I've gained a little more kick to my step if ya know what I mean. I cut out sugar for 25 days and HOLY was that hard at times (I'll touch more on that another time). But my fitness has been my main focus; I'm trying to get back that dancer body that I had 5 years ago haha. 
ACTUALLY, I'm trying to get that dancer flexibility that I use to have + trying to gain strength that I've never had before.

Because I have been working out consistently, as a treat I bought myself a Calvin Klein sports bra, and may I add that fashionable workout outfits are VERY encouraging to me. :P 

If you're someone who needs a little more of a push to get going, I definitely recommend a cute new workout outfit. It helps a lot. (ADVERTISING AT ITS FINEST)

One thing that I think everyone needs to have at this very moment, is the new copy of Vanity Fair. Especially for all my empowered women followers, this is a "women kick ass" kind of issue. My favorite article is actually about Elizabeth Banks (Creator of Pitch Perfect) whom had a slower rise to success then many of the recent instant successes that we see these days. This was super encouraging to me as I sometimes forget that great things take time and I think that this article is a wonderful reminder for us all to take our time and enjoy our own journeys. 

Finally, has anyone else felt the recent pull to buy the new IPhone6? A little more than a month ago I couldn't of cared less, but then something shifted in the market and now everyone seems to want to upgrade (or already has). 
So when I came across this new pink case (in picture above), I was instantly reminded of the rose gold iPhone 6 that I've wanted for a few weeks now. Realizing how much it reminds me of the phone, I decided to purchase it. INSTANTLY, I felt like I had a whole new phone. That feeling of when you get something new that is in high demand (Spoken like a true shopaholic, I know), that is what I felt. This feeling is still here, even though I bought this case last week. To sum it up, I have beaten the upgrading urge. 

Oh and did I mention that this case was $5 bucks? YOU CAN'T FIND ANY IPHONE 6 CASES FOR $5 BUCKS CAN YA? 

Anyways, I just wanted to share that with you all. I hope you guys all have a wonderful Oscar weekend and I'm routing for Alicia Vikander. If she wins, I will be satisfied. 


Calvin Klein Sportsbra: The Bay 
iPhone Case: Indigo Chapters
Vanity Fair: Indigo Chapters 

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