Saturday 10 March 2012

Health freak gone wild!!

Hello Everybody!!! Sooo I know I promised updates on my "Get Fabulous Skin" quest so here goes. 
Found a good skin care line that I'm going to stick to. I'll post pictures about that tomorrow. But right now I wanna talk about eating. 
In October I sat in on a Nutritionist conference that was being held at my school. One thing I learned is that when you are trying to change your diet, going cold turkey and not eating any of the sugars or candy you love, will probably drive you mental. 
You need to allow yourself to still eat the sugars you love, but just make sure that you monitor the amount you are consuming. 
What I've done for myself is I am eating 2 fruit servings a day, healthy meals, and then when I've accomplished all my goals for the day, I allow myself to have ice cream and chocolate if I want it. 
This way, I am forcing an urgency on completing my goals (If I'm having a craving on certain days) and then not only am I feeling accomplished but I feel ok eating what I want because I treat it as a reward. Also, when you feel accomplished, you feel a sense of joy and happiness which will mean that you will become less stressed, and will be fighting off that acne. 

Its all mind power and finding the strength to discipline yourself to follow through with this routine. It has taken me a long time to finally find the strength within me to discipline my life so it's definitely not easy. But it's so worth it. 

Figure out what's important to you. Why do you want clear skin? How will you feel if you have glowing beautiful skin? 
Once you decide what that is, hold on to that feeling and let that happiness motivate you to change your bad eating habits. 

Heres a pic that was taken of me at a club last night. The lighting isn't the best but my skin is already improving that's for sure!!!

Anyways lovelies, I found this cute little article that Lauren Conrad wrote on her site and it's all about tips on getting clear skin. So the link is below, check it out and hope you learn something!

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