Monday 12 March 2012

My Face Products/ Routine!

HEY GUYS! Ok so I promised I would show you my face products so here goes!!!

So I've tried many many products in the past, Clearisil, Proactiv, Clean & Clear (the list goes on), and none of them ever worked.
In grade 12, I had serious acne problems and the only thing that solved it was these products:
Spectro Gel Cleanser and Moisturizer 

I Also LOVE Cetaphil Moisturizer. It's probably my favourite of all time. 

I am a girl that gets dry skin ALL the time!! If your like me or if you just want a good face peel I would 100% recommend Aloette's Enzyme Peel! This peel shows your dead skin cells instantly and leaves your face feeling as soft as a babies bottom haha As silly as that sounds, it actually does! 

As for masks, I usually just use mud masks from Walmart or the Proactiv mask is pretty good as well. 
You may have noticed that I haven't recommended a toner and thats because I found that they have never worked for me personally. However, like I said, I have very dry skin already so if you have oily skin, then toner may be great for you. 

Finally, the last thing I would suggest is if you have really bad acne, I would talk to your doctor and get he/she to right you a prescription for a cream that will help you with it.

Anyways lovelies, that pretty much wraps up my face product recommendations! I hope you all try these fabulous products and I hope they work just as well for you as they have for me!


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