Monday 24 September 2012

Foods that will give you Clear Skin!!!

Ello Ello!

Ok so today I was doing some research on different foods that help get rid of acne and this is what I found:

Got zits? If so, dairy is not your friend.  Milk products (even organic) contain cow hormones that can be absorbed by your body.  Dairy products stimulate your body’s own hormones, leading to oilier skin and clogged pores.  Instead, try soy or almond milk in your cereal and coffee.  If you must have your cheese or yogurt fix, at least choose organic, nonfat or skim milk products which contain fewer hormones.  Just be sure to get your calcium elsewhere.
Avoid white carbs like sugar, bread, bakery items, pasta, white rice, and potatoes.  Eating a diet that’s high in carbs can increase the level of androgens (the acne-causing “male” hormones that stimulate oil glands) after just one week.  Carbs also make you bloat.  If you are going to have carbs, pair it with a protein so you’ll eat less of it (for example, add chicken to your pasta or peanut butter to your whole wheat toast).
Eat more zinc-rich foods. Zinc has been shown to fight acne-causing bacteria, and is a natural anti-inflammatory.  Zinc is found in lean red meat (especially beef and lamb) as well as lentils, kidney beans, and oysters.  However, it’s best to avoid zinc supplements, since too much zinc can be toxic.  It’s better to get your zinc by eating it.
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ALSO, on a side note, last week my face was HORRID. 
No I'm serious... I looked like I did when I was 18. 
 Anyways, I just had to find a solution fast and so I searched and searched and eventually I found a miracle worker...
This little bottle of tea tree oil completely saved me and now my skin looks a million times better. 
I recommend that EVERYONE goes out now and buys Tea Tree oil. It doesn't matter what kind of brand you use as long as it's 100% Pure. 
Alright those are my thoughts of the day :) 

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