Friday 22 November 2013

Day 2 of My Happiness Project

Wahoo so I'm now in Day 2 of My Happiness project! Yesterday was a great success and today was even better. I was so productive today and I just followed my heart in doing whatever makes me happy! 

Waking up is so great when you immediately think of everything your thankful for! It honestly really helps me come back down to earth and remember that my problems are so small compared to what other people have. It reminds me to be so grateful for the people in my life who continue to care for me and want to bring me love. Also my animals bring me so much love everyday and they are seriously the best. 

I've been so aware of my posture over the last two days and I can honestly say my back feels soooo much better. Duh Melissa of course it would haha 
I feel like it has affected the rest of me though. I definitely feel more light headed and not as stressed so who knows, there's probably a connection. 

Last night I listened to a mediation video I found on YouTube and it was exactly what I was looking for. It's called Guided Meditation -Deep Relaxation. 
I highly highly recommend it to anyone who may want to start meditating. The sounds of the waves are so soothing to the mind right before bed and it takes away all your cares and worries. I just imagined that I was in Hawaii dipping my toes in the water while walking along the beach haha. I definitely slept like a baby with that thought in mind. 

Anyways I'm super happy about my progress so far and I hope everyone had a happy successful day too! 

-xo Melissa 

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