Wednesday 20 November 2013

My Happiness Project

Today is a brand new day. Today is filled with so many opportunities. Maybe I'll win the lottery today. Maybe I'll land my dream job today. Maybe just maybe I'll meet the man of my dreams. 

To be honest, I am heartbroken. I am heal able and healing as we speak. But I do still have pieces of my heart shattered all over different areas in my life and I haven't found all the pieces to put myself back together again. 

So that's what this is for. This blog, this new idea for a new project. My Happiness Project. 
Yes this project is going to be exactly like the book The Happiness Project, however I have never read that book so any tasks and challenges I set myself up for, will be entirely created on my own.
Feeling sad after loosing someone is inevitable, if you don't feel sad than you clearly don't love them. What's more important is focusing on finding that joy again. Finding a sense of inner peace so that the pain is bearable for however long it takes you to move past he/she. 

So first i think I'm going to set some everyday rules to follow. Each day I will have a new task for the day but I think it's important to set some general guidelines to continue to focus on everyday.

So first rule: 
1) Every morning when you wakeup go straight to your mirror and say THANK YOU! Really mean it and think about everything your greatful for.

2) Find a hobby that you would like to be better at. Work on it for 15-30 mins a day.

3) Think of something that's been bugging you and just decide to do it. For example, I always get annoyed at myself when I don't floss. Or when I don't stand up straight. (I use to dance and most dancers are slouchers funny enough) I'm going to push myself to floss everyday and stand up straight because I really don't want another expensive trip to the dentist and I must avoid future back problems because I'm sure that would be expensive. 

4) Eating right and staying active is vital to anyone's happiness. Make a promise too only choose foods that are good for you but don't drive yourself mad. I will give you one night a week for junk food. Also, find an exersize routine that works for you and commit to doing it at least once a week to start. Or commit to taking a dance class once a week. Or commit to running around your block once a week. It's only once, that's not too much to ask is it? 

5) Find five mins before you go to bed to sit in silence and meditate. Say to yourself "I'm a loving human being who deserves the best in life" 

So there you have it. 5 things I'm going to commit to and I hope someone who reads this gets inspired to as well. 

I'm determined to change my life and find a way to never be sidetracked by sadness again and so I think with a small effort I will get there. 

Most importantly, so that I stay focused, I'm going to blog/ or video my progress and that way I stay accountable. 

If anyone watches or reads my upcoming vids/blogs, I urge you to join in at any time and I would also love to hear any feedback or progress. 

Lots of love -Melissa xo 

Ps.Always accept an opportunity for an adventure. You never know where life will take you so if someone asks you to hang out or do something when you had no plans, just say yes. Who knows what might come out of it. 

"When I hear my favourite song, I know that we belong. You are the music in me." HSM2 

1 comment:

  1. Your steps sound amazing! I am going to follow them too!
